Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thread Pool - BackgroundWorker

BackgroundWorker is a helper class in theSystem.ComponentModel namespace for managing a worker thread. It can be considered a general-purpose implementation of the EAP, and provides the following features:
  • A cooperative cancellation model
  • The ability to safely update WPF or Windows Forms controlswhen the worker completes
  • Forwarding of exceptions to the completion event
  • A protocol for reporting progress
  • An implementation of IComponent allowing it to be sited in Visual Studio’s designer
BackgroundWorker uses the thread pool, which means you should never call Abort on a BackgroundWorker thread.

Using BackgroundWorker

Here are the minimum steps in using BackgroundWorker:
  1. Instantiate BackgroundWorker and handle the DoWork event.
  2. Call RunWorkerAsync, optionally with an object argument.
This then sets it in motion. Any argument passed toRunWorkerAsync will be forwarded to DoWork’s event handler, via the event argument’s Argument property. Here’s an example:
class Program  
  static BackgroundWorker _bw = new BackgroundWorker();  
  static void Main()  
   _bw.DoWork += bw_DoWork;  
   _bw.RunWorkerAsync ("Message to worker");  
  static void bw_DoWork (object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)  
   // This is called on the worker thread  
   Console.WriteLine (e.Argument);    // writes "Message to worker"  
   // Perform time-consuming task...  
BackgroundWorker has a RunWorkerCompleted event that fires after the DoWork event handler has done its job. Handling RunWorkerCompleted is not mandatory, but you usually do so in order to query any exception that was thrown in DoWork. Further, code within a RunWorkerCompleted event handler is able to update user interface controls without explicit marshaling; code within the DoWork event handler cannot.
To add support for progress reporting:
  1. Set the WorkerReportsProgress property to true.
  2. Periodically call ReportProgress from within the DoWork event handler with a “percentage complete” value, and optionally, a user-state object.
  3. Handle the ProgressChanged event, querying its event argument’s ProgressPercentage property.
  4. Code in the ProgressChanged event handler is free to interact with UI controls just as withRunWorkerCompleted. This is typically where you will update a progress bar.
To add support for cancellation:
  1. Set the WorkerSupportsCancellation property to true.
  2. Periodically check the CancellationPending property from within the DoWork event handler. If it’s true, set the event argument’s Cancel property to true, and return. (The worker can also set Cancel and exit withoutCancellationPending being true if it decides that the job is too difficult and it can’t go on.)
  3. Call CancelAsync to request cancellation.
Here’s an example that implements all the preceding features:
   var bgWorker = new BackgroundWorker { WorkerReportsProgress = true };  
   bgWorker.DoWork += (o, e) =>  
     //Worker thread code. Gets called in a Non-UI thread.  
   bgWorker.ProgressChanged += (o, e) =>  
     //Progress change gets called on the UI thread. Controls can be accessed safely  
   bgWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += (o, e) =>  
     //gets called when worker thread finishes. UI thread. Controls can be accessed safely  

 using System;  
 using System.Threading;  
 using System.ComponentModel;  
 class Program  
  static BackgroundWorker _bw;  
  static void Main()  
   _bw = new BackgroundWorker  
    WorkerReportsProgress = true,  
    WorkerSupportsCancellation = true  
   _bw.DoWork += bw_DoWork;  
   _bw.ProgressChanged += bw_ProgressChanged;  
   _bw.RunWorkerCompleted += bw_RunWorkerCompleted;  
   _bw.RunWorkerAsync ("Hello to worker");  
   Console.WriteLine ("Press Enter in the next 5 seconds to cancel");  
   if (_bw.IsBusy) _bw.CancelAsync();  
  static void bw_DoWork (object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)  
   for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i += 20)  
    if (_bw.CancellationPending) { e.Cancel = true; return; }  
    _bw.ReportProgress (i);  
    Thread.Sleep (1000);   // Just for the demo... don't go sleeping  
   }              // for real in pooled threads!  
   e.Result = 123;  // This gets passed to RunWorkerCompleted  
  static void bw_RunWorkerCompleted (object sender,  
                    RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)  
   if (e.Cancelled)  
    Console.WriteLine ("You canceled!");  
   else if (e.Error != null)  
    Console.WriteLine ("Worker exception: " + e.Error.ToString());  
    Console.WriteLine ("Complete: " + e.Result);   // from DoWork  
  static void bw_ProgressChanged (object sender,  
                  ProgressChangedEventArgs e)  
   Console.WriteLine ("Reached " + e.ProgressPercentage + "%");  
Press Enter in the next 5 seconds to cancel
Reached 0%
Reached 20%
Reached 40%
Reached 60%
Reached 80%
Reached 100%
Complete: 123
Press Enter in the next 5 seconds to cancel
Reached 0%
Reached 20%
Reached 40%
You canceled!

Subclassing BackgroundWorker

BackgroundWorker is not sealed and provides a virtual OnDoWork method, suggesting another pattern for its use. In writing a potentially long-running method, you could write an additional version returning a subclassedBackgroundWorker, preconfigured to perform the job concurrently. The consumer then needs to handle only theRunWorkerCompleted and ProgressChanged events. For instance, suppose we wrote a time-consuming method called GetFinancialTotals:
 public class Client  
  Dictionary <string,int> GetFinancialTotals (int foo, int bar) { ... }  
 We could refactor it as follows:  
 public class Client  
  public FinancialWorker GetFinancialTotalsBackground (int foo, int bar)  
   return new FinancialWorker (foo, bar);  
 public class FinancialWorker : BackgroundWorker  
  public Dictionary <string,int> Result;  // You can add typed fields.  
  public readonly int Foo, Bar;  
  public FinancialWorker()  
   WorkerReportsProgress = true;  
   WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;  
  public FinancialWorker (int foo, int bar) : this()  
   this.Foo = foo; this.Bar = bar;  
  protected override void OnDoWork (DoWorkEventArgs e)  
   ReportProgress (0, "Working hard on this report...");  
   // Initialize financial report data  
   // ...  
   while (!<finished report>)  
    if (CancellationPending) { e.Cancel = true; return; }  
    // Perform another calculation step ...  
    // ...  
    ReportProgress (percentCompleteCalc, "Getting there...");  
   ReportProgress (100, "Done!");  
   e.Result = Result = <completed report data>;  
Whoever calls GetFinancialTotalsBackground then gets a FinancialWorker: a wrapper to manage the background operation with real-world usability. It can report progress, can be canceled, is friendly with WPF and Windows Forms applications, and handles exceptions well.

BackgroundWorker and ProgressBar demo

public partial class Form1 : Form   
   public Form1()   
    Shown += new EventHandler(Form1_Shown);   
    // To report progress from the background worker we need to set this property   
    backgroundWorker1.WorkerReportsProgress = true;   
    // This event will be raised on the worker thread when the worker starts   
    backgroundWorker1.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(backgroundWorker1_DoWork);   
    // This event will be raised when we call ReportProgress   
    backgroundWorker1.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged);   
   void Form1_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)   
    // Start the background worker   
   // On worker thread so do our thing!   
   void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)   
    // Your background task goes here   
    for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)   
     // Report progress to 'UI' thread   
     // Simulate long task   
   // Back on the 'UI' thread so we can update the progress bar   
   void backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)   
    // The progress percentage is a property of e   
    progressBar1.Value = e.ProgressPercentage;   

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